
Are Wireframes and Prototypes Different?

Both wireframing and prototyping are two essential processes in web and app development. Their main purpose is to establish the basic functions of the project and to present the working design concept. It is mostly shown to clients, but they usually ignore it, command you to skip these steps, or worse, are unaware of those … Read more

5 Things That Will Definitely Make You Consider Wireframing

Most web developers tend to skip the wireframing process and go straight to design. There are two reasons this happens: One, the web developer does not know what wireframing is or two, he knows what it is, but is afraid that clients will not care or understand the wireframes he/she will create. Yet, wireframing is … Read more

6 Easy Steps to Get You Started on Wireframing

A wireframe is a blueprint of sorts that serves as the initial design of a website. In web development, the main purpose of wireframing is to provide an optimal and efficient design for a website without being hindered or affected by visual aesthetic design. The primary considerations in creating a wireframe are functionality, navigation, and … Read more

Wireframing or Prototyping: Which One to Use

While clients tend to tell developers to skip wireframing and prototyping, seasoned veterans tell newbies that they can skip wireframing and proceed with prototyping. Experienced developers believe that interactive prototyping isn’t useful when presenting a project. For example, if the client requires an immediate solution and is on a tight budget, they wouldn’t want their … Read more

Wireframes vs Prototypes : An In-Depth Look

Regardless of experience, designers can still easily mix up the terms “wireframe” and “prototype.” Misunderstanding the two – even among seasoned and veteran designers – still happens even though the differences between the two are clear-cut. If you are one of those designers, you need to know what a wireframe is first. Developers consider a … Read more

How To Prototype In Time and Budget Constraint Projects

In the software development industry, you can expect that you’ll encounter clients who are too cheap, who want to have more than they pay for, who want to make things done impossibly quick, and who are just plain difficult to work with. Budget and Time Limitations Remember that every project has cost and time limits. … Read more

4 Reasons Why You Need Interactive Prototypes

Prototyping plays a pivotal role in the development of a good application. This is the final stage for you to optimize how each element flows and interacts within your application. Prototypes don’t necessarily have to be visually appealing, but they do need to be interactive. If you go by ideas and sketches alone, your app … Read more

Professional Tips For Building Mockups For Web And Mobile

Given how incredibly easy it is to develop a web or mobile application, startups have become commonplace as a lot of players have already joined the bandwagon. You might be here because you want to learn how to compete against them. Regardless of your objectives, it is necessary for you to build a detailed mockup … Read more

New Template for creating quick Wireframe Grids

This article is to introduce a very simple and innovative way to speed up developing grid based wireframes. The display and digestion of grids is always by eye balling the columns vertically but the data input in wireframe is horizontal and you also need to wrap the data in a JSON format. To speed up, … Read more