
Wireframe Keyboard Shortcuts


Ctrl + S Save the Page
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + C Copy selected objects
Ctrl + V Paste copied objects
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy selected objects to the Server Clipboard. This shortcut can be used for copying objects across different page or projects
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste from server clipboard
Ctrl + X Copy selected objects and delete them
Ctrl + D Duplicate objects. This is a shortcut to Copy + Paste
Ctrl + G Group selected objects
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup selected objects
Ctrl + L Lock selected objects. The locked object will show a lock symbol. To unlock double click the object and use the unlock button on the toolbar
Ctrl + Shift + L Unlock selected object. A locked object will be selected only if you double click on it.
Ctrl + Z Undo last operation
Ctrl + Y Redo last undone operation
Up arrow move selected objects UP by 1 pixel
Down arrow move selected objects Down by 1 pixel
Left arrow move selected objects LEFT by 1 pixel
Right arrow move selected objects RIGHT by 1 pixel
Shift + Up arrow move selected objects UP by the size of the background grid square and snap to the top boundary
Shift + Down arrow move selected objects Down by by the size of the background grid square and snap to the top boundary
Shift + Left arrow move selected objects LEFT by the size of the background grid square and snap to the LEFT boundary
Shift + Right arrow move selected objects RIGHT by the size of the background grid square and snap to the LEFT boundary
Alt + Up arrow Align selected objects to the TOP
Alt + Down arrow Align selected objects to the BOTTOM
Alt + Left arrow Align selected objects to the LEFT
Alt + Right arrow Align selected objects to the RIGHT
Shift + W Zoom In
Shift + T Zoom Out